Category: comics
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Strange Planet
One of my favorite discoveries as of late has been the new webcomic Strange Planet. Apparently only published via Instagram, artist Nathan W. Pyle explores mundane human activities through the lens of aliens. It’s delightful and odd. A characteristic example:
I don’t know how long Mr. Pyle can sustain this pace and level of observation, but I’m definitely gonna enjoy these as long as they keep coming.
Have Safire write up a speech
I gotta say, this XKCD from last week cracked me up, if only mostly for the alt text (which I’ve posted below the image here).
“Mr. President, what if the unthinkable happens? What if the launch goes wrong, and Napoleon is not stranded on the Moon?” “Have Safire write up a speech.”
I’ve been a fan of the late great William Safire ever since finding his On Language columns (collected into several volumes) as a kid. The reference here is to the speech that Nixon had Safire draft to be used in the event that the Apollo 11 moon landing went wrong. It’s a beautiful bit of what-if history.
There's truth here
From today’s XKCD:
(Hover text: ‘Automating’ comes from the roots ‘auto-’ meaning ‘self’, and ‘mating’, meaning ‘screwing’.)
As one who has written my share of automating tools… yeah.
Correlation and Causation
All the correlation / causation talk around Dave Ramsey this week brings this classic XKCD cartoon to mind. Happy Friday!