the obligatory new year's post

I’m already a day late on this - it’s January 2nd, not the first. I’ll probably come up a (metaphorical) dollar short, too… you won’t find any deep New Year’s resolutions here. Somehow I’ve never been much for New Year’s resolutions. Not that I’m against them - I just never put too much effort into them. This year is no different.

I could write a lot about the year gone by, but if you want to read about it I have blog archives that cover the year. :-) I could write about the year upcoming, but seeing as I lack the ability to see the future, my predictions will be at best haphazard in accuracy. Much will change; much will remain the same. I don’t want to sound too nonchalant about my life, but in a sense, I am; I am confident that the God who has directed and guided me through my first 28 years will continue to guide me through my 29th. He will continue to provide the conviction that drives change; blessedly, He is also the provider of the ability to make that change.

So welcome to the year of our Lord 2006. May He bless you richly this year as He continues His good work in you.