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Can you name 5 ways the church differs from America?

1 min read

There’s a challenging riff from pastor Brian Zahnd over on Missio Alliance today.

How, he asks, does the church differ from America?

The particular challenge for the American Christian is to distinguish the American way of being human from the church (the Jesus way of being human). If there is no essential difference between being Christian and being American (as a way of life), then what is the point of the church? This is a problem. Many American Christians would find it difficult to list five ways in which the Jesus way (the church) differs significantly from the American way. For them the church and the American way are essentially the same way of being human. Which in essence means this: The church does not actually exist. What exists is America. The church (and every other institution) exists only to support the supreme idea of America. Oh, boy.

He goes on to list 12. How many could you list? It’s worth considering.

[Missio Alliance]

Originally published on by Chris Hubbs